
June 16, 2022

Git Commands

Commonly used Git commands.


  1. Commands
  2. Combinations
  3. Merge Conflicts


View local branches:

$ git branch

View all local and remote branches:

$ git branch --all

Create and checkout to a new branch that doesn’t yet exist on local:

$ git checkout -b feature/22.7_fix

Check out to an existing local branch:

$ git checkout feature/22.7

Checkout and track a remote branch on local. Here, origin is the name of your remote repository:

$ git checkout --track origin/feature/22.8

View local changes:

$ git status

Stage all local changes:

$ git add .

Stage changes containing java in the file path:

$ git add *java*

Unstage all changes. This does not delete the local changes from disk, it only removes them from the staging area:

$ git reset .

Unstage changes containing java in the file path:

$ git reset *java*

Delete all local changes. Note that this cannot be undone:

$ git restore .

Delete changes containing java in the file path. Note that this cannot be undone:

$ git restore *java*

Commit staged changes:

$ git commit -m "JIRA-1 add README"

Push a new local branch to remote:

$ git push --set-upstream origin feature/22.7_fix

Push changes to an existing remote branch:

$ git push

Pull changes of local checkout branch from remote:

$ git pull

Pull changes from a remote branch to local checkout branch. This essentially merges from the remote branch to the local checkout branch:

$ git pull origin feature/22.8

Abort a merge in case of a merge conflict:

$ git merge --abort

Delete a local branch. -D force deletes the branch even if it hasn’t been pushed or merged yet:

$ git branch -D feature/22.7

Delete a remote branch:

$ git push --delete origin feature/22.7

Stash local changes:

$ git stash -- *

View stack of stashes:

$ git stash list

View changes for stash 0 in stack:

$ git stash show 0

Pop stash from top of stack:

$ git stash pop

Pop stash 1 from stack:

$ git stash pop 1

Delete stash 0 from stack. Note that this cannot be undone:

$ git stash drop 0

Clear entire stack of stashes. Note that this cannot be undone:

$ git stash clear


When you have local changes but need to switch to another branch:

$ git add .
$ git stash -- *
$ git checkout feature/22.7_fix

When you are done and want to switch back to your previous local changes:

$ git checkout feature/22.7
$ git stash pop

When you no longer need the local changes:

$ git reset .
$ git restore .

Sometimes git restore may not be able to fully remove your local changes (e.g. newly created files). In that case, try this instead:

$ git add .
$ git stash -- *
$ git stash drop 0

When you need to remotely merge a branch:

$ git checkout feature/22.8
$ git pull origin feature/22.7
$ git push

Merge Conflict

Sometimes a conflict may occur when merging branches:

$ git checkout feature/22.8
$ git pull origin feature/22.7


Steps to resolve

Get list of conflicted files:

$ git status

Resolve each conflicted file:


Commit the de-conflicted changes and continue with the merge:

$ git add .
$ git commit
Close notepad
$ git push